
What does ASCR stand for in defensive driving?

What does ASCR stand for in defensive driving?
  1. What is the acronym for defensive driving?
  2. What are the 3 basic principles of defensive driving?
  3. What does spider stand for driving?
  4. What is the most element of defensive driving?
  5. Can you turn left on a red in BC?
  6. What is the most important factor in defensive driving?
  7. What is the 2 second rule when driving?
  8. What does erase stand for in driving?
  9. What are the four A's of driving?

What is the acronym for defensive driving?

SIPDE. S.I.P.D.E is an acronym for defensive driving.

What are the 3 basic principles of defensive driving?

Pass to stay alive.

Then look to see if anyone behind you is moving out to pass. Speed up to get around the other vehicle. Get back into the right lane as quickly as possible. Do not pass unless you can see far enough ahead.

What does spider stand for driving?

Method/results: A "SPIDER" model is developed that identifies key cognitive processes that are impaired when drivers divert attention from driving. SPIDER is an acronym standing for scanning, predicting, identifying, decision making, and executing a response.

What is the most element of defensive driving?

The most important aspect of driving defensively, is the practice of safe road habits. You won't grasp this concept until you obey the rules of the road, and minimize the risks you take. It starts here. Fortunately, safe driving is one of the easiest ways to improve your defensive driving skills.

Can you turn left on a red in BC?

In British Columbia, you can also turn left on a red from a two-way street onto a one-way street. No provinces allow left turns onto a two-way street on a red light.

What is the most important factor in defensive driving?

Awareness is key to defensive driving, ensuring you are aware of potential hazards and other road users' actions around you, enabling you to take pro-active action to avoid an incident. To enable you to anticipate hazards, look 15 seconds ahead, giving yourself time to react.

What is the 2 second rule when driving?

Answer: The two-second rule is the rule most states have adopted to keep a safe following distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead. It's the most simple way to know if you're following another vehicle too closely or not.

What does erase stand for in driving?

Police across Ontario launched “Project E.R.A.S.E.” on Friday in an effort to rid roadways of dangerous drivers. The project, which stands for Eliminate Racing Activity on Streets Everywhere, kicked off on Friday, with just over a week before the holiday Victoria Day weekend.

What are the four A's of driving?

In the past, some have called the topics in this lesson Aggression, Alcohol, Accidents and Awareness.

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