
Should you get in strangers car?

Should you get in strangers car?

If a stranger pulls up in a car and offers you a ride, don't get in. ... It's also important to avoid a stranger's car completely. If a stranger asks you to look in the car, don't do it. Don't agree to look in the trunk or in the back of a truck or van.

  1. How do you be safe in a stranger's car?
  2. What to do if a stranger asks you for a ride?
  3. How far away must your horn be heard?
  4. When should you increase your following distance to four seconds?

How do you be safe in a stranger's car?

Get in and out of the car on the passenger side.

Let them turn and come to your side before you get in instead of walking through traffic to get to the car. Insist on being dropped off somewhere safe for you to get out of the car, away from the traffic.

What to do if a stranger asks you for a ride?

Even if it's something you really want, if the offer is coming from a stranger, you should ignore the person and walk the other way. If a stranger walks up or pulls up in a car and you're too far away to hear the person, don't go closer, even if the person waves you over. Just get away.

How far away must your horn be heard?

Horn: Your vehicle must have a horn which can be heard from a distance of 200 feet. Drivers should be aware that horns are put on as standard equipment in motor vehicles.

When should you increase your following distance to four seconds?

When visibility is low such as light fog, light rain, or nighttime driving, you should double the following distance to a minimum of 4 seconds. This will seem like a large gap between you and the vehicle in front of you. That's ok.

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