Ellu jääma

Mitu autot kulub, et kedagi tappa?
Kui palju jõudu saab auto alla sõita? Tüüpilised g-jõud mootorsõiduki kokkupõrkel. GSU HyperPhysics Projecti andmetel kogeb 160 naelane inimene, kes k...
How fast does a car have to be going to kill a 90 lb person if they are hit by the car?
How fast does a car have to drive to kill someone? If someone is hit by a car at 40 mph they are 90% likely to be killed. If someone is hit by a car a...
Kas auto võib sind tappa?
Kui suur on tõenäosus, et surete autos? Riikliku ohutusnõukogu (NSC) andmetel on 2019. aasta seisuga ameeriklase eluaegne tõenäosus autoõnnetuses hukk...
What is the slowest you have to go in a car to kill someone?
How fast does a car have to drive to kill someone? If cars are traveling at 45 mph, which is a pretty standard speed for many cars to be traveling on ...
How fast does a car have to be going to kill you if you are struck by it head on?
At what speed is a car crash instant death? When a car is going slowly, the risk of serious injury is about 1%. At 50 mph, the risk increases to 69% f...