
Why is combustion exothermic?
Are combustion always exothermic? Combustion reactions are almost always exothermic (i.e., they give off heat). For example when wood burns, it must d...
Mis mõjutab juhi reaktsiooniaega?
Millised 4 asja võivad reaktsiooniaega mõjutada? Inimeste reaktsiooniaega mõjutavad mitmed tegurid. Nende hulka kuuluvad peamiselt sugu, vanus, füüsil...
In the driving environment your reaction time would be how many seconds?
How does driving safety relate to reaction time? MIT researchers have found an answer in a new study that shows humans need about 390 to 600 milliseco...
What does a mechanism change?
How do you determine the mechanism of a reaction? The sequence of individual steps, or elementary reactions, by which reactants are converted into pro...