Porsche - Lehekülg 2

How fast is a Porsche 911 gt?
How fast is a Porsche 911 GT three? The Porsche 911 GT3 is one of the highest performing sports cars in the 911 lineup and is designed primarily for u...
What is the resale value on a pre-owned Porsche?
Do Porsches hold their value well? Porsche Cars Hold Their Value Many Porsche models are known for holding their value well compared to other brands. ...
What is the fastest time a car has gone round the nurgbergring in?
How fast can an F1 car go around the Nurburgring? On the other hand, back in 2006, F1 Racing magazine published estimations made by BMW engineers that...
Kumb on kiirem, kas Porsche või lambroghini?
Kas Porsched on Lamborghinidest kiiremad? Porsche on iga mõõdiku kaudu kiirem, läbides veerandmiili 10-ga.42 sekundit võrreldes Lamborghini ajaga 10.5...
Mitu silindrit on verandal?
Kas Porsche tegi 8-silindrilist? Porsche ei ole ainult võidusõidurajal kasutanud kaheksasilindrilist konfiguratsiooni. Samuti on nad ehitanud mõned ka...
Mis on kiireim sportauto?
Milline auto läheb 0 kuni 60 kõige kiiremini? Koenigsegg Gemera on maailma kiireim seeriaauto, mis saavutab kiiruse 0–60 miili tunnis 1.9 sekundit. Se...
Kui kaugele suudab Porsche Carrera GT 1 tunniga läbida?
Kui kiiresti võib Carrera GT sõita? Tippkiiruseks 208 miili tunnis saavutav Porsche Carrera GT on jõud, millega tuleb arvestada. Mitu miili saab Porsc...
How much oil does a porcshe 993 use?
How much oil does a 993 take? Pour 9 quarts of oil in first, start the engine check the oil level and pour more if needed. What oil does a Porsche 993...
What are 5 types of metals used in porsches and what are there functions?
What metal does Porsche use? The outer shell of the new 911 is assembled completely from aluminium, with the exception of the front and rear apron. On...