
Millisele sõidukile Napa gold 1056 õlifilter sobib??
Millele FRAM PH8170 sobib?? FRAM Extra Guard õlifilter, PH8170, 10 000 miili vahetusintervalli õlifilter, valitud Briggsi jaoks & Stratton, Crafts...
Kui kaugel on Napa Valley CA ja Sonoma Valley CA??
Kas Sonoma Valley on sama mis Napa Valley? Napa org on oma kõige laiemas kohas viis miili. Sonoma veinipiirkond on aga palju suurem kui Napa org. Sono...
What are the cheapest NAPA approved auto part stores around?
Who has better parts NAPA or Advance Auto Parts? Napa - parts are bit more expensive; seem to be a bit better quality; MUCH better customer service; g...