
Mis vahe on inseneril ja mehaanikul?
Kas insener ja mehaanik on sama asi? Insener on isik, kes remondib mehaanilisi või elektriseadmeid. Mehaanik on keegi, kelle tööülesanne on masinate j...
Kui palju raha autoinsenerid teenivad?
Kas autoinsenerid teenivad palju raha? Tööstusinsenerid moodustavad umbes poole kõigist autotööstuses töötavatest inseneridest. ... Tööstusinsenerid, ...
Who builds cars?
Do engineers make cars? An Automotive Engineer or Mechanical Engineer makes cars. Electronics Engineer also helps certain parts in car. A Civil Engine...
Why do engineers make cars the way they do?
What engineering has to do with cars? Automobile/Automotive Engineering is entirely focused on the design, manufacturing, and operation of motorcycles...
Kui kaua võib autoinsener töötada?
Kas autoehitus on hea töö? Kui kulutate oma auto häälestamisele palju aega, peaksite seda pidama professionaalseks ettevõtmiseks. Kui teile meeldivad ...
How much does an car engineer earn?
Do car engineers make a lot of money? Industrial engineers make up about half of all engineers working in the automobile manufacturing industry. ... I...
What qualifications does an engineer who fixes cars?
What qualifications do you need to be a car engineer? Usually, to become an automotive engineer, you need to have a degree in automotive engineering, ...
Does anyone know any formula 1 engineers?
How many F1 engineers are there? How many engineers work at the race track? Around 15 to 20. As with every role in the team, the people who work track...