
Kas veoautode vahelduvvoolu kondensaatoreid saab parandada?
Kas vahelduvvoolu kondensaatorid on remonditavad? Konditsioneeri kondensaatorid koosnevad paljudest erinevatest osadest. Mõnikord ebaõnnestub üks või ...
Kui palju autos kondensaatorit vahetada?
Kas ma saan autoga sõita, kui kondensaator on halb?? Kas saate sõita ebaõnnestunud kliimaseadme kondensaatoriga?? Ilma töötava kondensaatorita pole so...
What is next to grill radiator or condenser?
Which is in front radiator or condenser? Your vehicle's A/C condenser is usually located in the front of the radiator, giving it the nickname of the m...
Can a car run without a condenser?
Can you drive without condenser? If you have a dessicant and the ac system is exposed to air, it will suck up water and will need to be replaced or he...
Does the condenser hook to the ground or positive?
Does condenser go on positive or negative? The capacitor is connected to the positive terminal on the coil. Does a condenser need to be grounded? Your...
What does the condenser on a car engine do?
What happens when a car condenser goes bad? A leak in the condenser also will result in a loss of refrigerant and, subsequently, less ability to shed ...
Kuidas vahetada kondensaatorit mudelil 2004 Honda Accord?
Kui raske on vahelduvvoolu kondensaatorit vahetada? Vahelduvvoolusüsteemi peamiste komponentide (nt kondensaatori) asendamine võib tunduda hirmuäratav...
Kas kondensaatori osa vahelduvvoolust?
Kas ma saan vahetada ainult vahelduvvoolu kondensaatori?? Üldine küsimus on see, kas saate ainult kondensaatorit asendada. Lühike vastus on jah, saate...
What does a car condensor do?
What happens when AC condenser goes bad? A bad condenser can cause a number of problems. For example, your AC may not be able to produce as much cool ...
What causes damage to a condenser?
How does a condenser get damaged? The main cause of a failing A/C condenser is simple wear and tear of the seals and tubes in the part caused by aging...
Where does the condenser go?
Does the condenser go on the positive or negative? The capacitor is connected to the positive terminal on the coil. Do I need a condenser on my coil? ...
What does the condenser do on a distributor?
What are the symptoms of a bad ignition condenser? Yellow Sparking If you suspect the condenser is going bad, you can sometimes tell by watching the e...